Sittin' on your butt, the old man said,
That ain't no way to get butter for your bread.
You gotta get up, you gotta move along,
If you think any different you got it all wrong.

You gotta get on your bike an' pedal away,
You maybe got to pedal for many a day,
But that's the only way, the old man said,
You ever gonna get butter on your bread.

When I was a young man I didn't shirk,
I got on me bike an' I found me some work.
The job was lousy an' the pay was worse,
But I saved all me money in me little brown purse.

You gotta get on your bike an' pedal away...

Then come the day when I met your Ma,
An' she said to me, You gotta go far,
I wanna house an' a telly an' a car, she said,
An' one thing for sure, I want butter on me bread.

You gotta get on your bike an' pedal away...

Now me youth an' me looks have all faded away,
An' look at me son, he sit round all day.
He think the gov'ment gonna keep him fed,
An' always make sure he have butter on his bread.

You gotta get on your bike an' pedal away...